How Are Rangefinders Used in Golf?

September 14, 2024

Rangefinders have become an essential tool for golfers of all skill levels. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional, rangefinders can help improve your accuracy, speed up play, and give you a competitive edge on the course. In this blog, we’ll dive into how rangefinders are used in golf, their advantages, and tips for choosing the right one for your game.

What Is a Golf Rangefinder?

A golf rangefinder is a device that helps golfers measure the distance to various points on the golf course, such as the flagstick, hazards, or other targets. They come in two main types: laser rangefinders and GPS rangefinders. Both are designed to provide accurate measurements, but they work in different ways.

  • Laser Rangefinders: These devices use a laser beam to measure the distance to a specific point, like the flagstick. By pointing the rangefinder at the target and pressing a button, the laser calculates the distance in seconds.
  • GPS Rangefinders: These rely on satellite signals to give distances to various points on the course, such as the front, middle, and back of the green. GPS devices are often preloaded with course maps, making them convenient to use.

Now that we understand what a rangefinder is, let’s explore how they can improve your golf game.

How to Use a Rangefinder in Golf

Using a rangefinder is simple, but it requires practice to get the most out of it. Below are the steps to effectively use a rangefinder during your round of golf:

Step 1: Choose Your Target

Before using your rangefinder, decide what you want to measure. This could be the distance to the flagstick, a hazard, or a layup spot. Once you’ve chosen your target, ensure that you have a clear line of sight if you are using a laser rangefinder.

Step 2: Stabilize the Device

Hold the rangefinder steadily, especially if you are using a laser rangefinder. Some golfers find it helpful to rest their elbows against their body to avoid shaking. Rangefinders with image stabilization can help if you have trouble keeping the device still.

Step 3: Point and Shoot

For laser rangefinders, aim directly at your target and press the button to activate the laser. The rangefinder will display the distance within seconds. For GPS rangefinders, simply consult the display for distances to various points on the course, like the green or hazards.

Step 4: Use the Information to Plan Your Shot

Once you know the distance, you can select the right club and make an informed decision about your shot. The key benefit of a rangefinder is the confidence it gives you in club selection, which can lead to better performance on the course.

Advantages of Using a Rangefinder in Golf

Improved Accuracy

One of the biggest advantages of using a rangefinder is the accuracy it provides. With precise yardage information, you can confidently select the right club and adjust your shot accordingly. This is especially helpful when playing on unfamiliar courses.

Speed Up Play

By providing quick distance measurements, rangefinders can help speed up play. Instead of walking off yardage markers or relying on estimates, a rangefinder gives you the information you need almost instantly.

Gain Confidence in Your Game

Knowing the exact distance to the flagstick or hazards allows you to plan your shots more effectively. This can boost your confidence and lead to better performance on the course.


Rangefinders can be used for more than just measuring the distance to the flagstick. You can also measure the distance to bunkers, water hazards, or other obstacles on the course. This versatility makes them an invaluable tool for golfers.

Learn Your Distances

A rangefinder can also help you understand how far you hit each club. Over time, you’ll develop a better sense of your distances, which will make you more consistent and reliable on the course.

How Are Rangefinders Used in Golf?

Choosing the Right Rangefinder for Golf

When choosing a rangefinder, consider the following factors:


Accuracy is the most important factor when choosing a rangefinder. Look for devices with a margin of error of one yard or less.

Ease of Use

Your rangefinder should be easy to use, with simple controls and a clear display. Some laser rangefinders have slope technology, which adjusts for elevation changes, making them even more convenient.

Battery Life

Make sure the rangefinder has a long-lasting battery, especially if you play long rounds of golf. GPS rangefinders typically have rechargeable batteries, while laser rangefinders often use replaceable batteries.


Some rangefinders come with advanced features like slope measurement, which adjusts the distance based on changes in elevation, or pin-seeking technology, which makes it easier to lock onto the flagstick. Consider whether these features are important to you before making a purchase.


Rangefinders can range from budget-friendly models to more expensive, feature-packed devices. While it may be tempting to go for the cheapest option, investing in a higher-quality rangefinder can pay off in the long run with better accuracy and durability.

Tips for Using a Rangefinder on the Golf Course

  • Practice Beforehand: Familiarize yourself with your rangefinder before using it on the course. Spend time at the driving range or practice area to get comfortable with the device.
  • Avoid Distractions: When using a laser rangefinder, make sure you’re focusing on your target and not picking up background objects like trees or other players.
  • Double-Check Your Measurements: If something doesn’t seem right, don’t hesitate to take another reading. Wind, elevation, and obstacles can all affect the distance, so double-check if necessary.
  • Check for Legal Use: Some rangefinder features, like slope adjustment, are not allowed in competitive play. Make sure to disable any non-legal features if you’re participating in a tournament.

Using a rangefinder in golf can significantly improve your accuracy and confidence on the course. Whether you choose a laser or GPS rangefinder, the benefits are clear—better distance measurements lead to better shots. With a little practice, a rangefinder will become an essential part of your golf equipment.

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